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Publications on the history of the Mundaneum




Le livre su le livre. Le Traité de Documentation, Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2015

The Treaty of documentation. The book on the book is published in Brussels in 1934 by Paul Otlet (1868 to 1944). Known as the father of modern information science, Paul Otlet founded the Mundaneum in 1895 with Henri La Fontaine (Nobel Peace Prize in 1913). His treatise is a summary of the work he performs in this vast enterprise to gather, classify and share all the knowledge of the world. In this groundbreaking book, he exposes his futuristic and visionary ideas on the proposed information according to its different supports, its organization and circulation patterns. Based on technologies currently or planned in his time, such as radio, telephone or television, he imagines a kind of mechanical brain that integrates sound and image, makes it possible to combine information and the share with their networking. This text makes reference still shows forerunner of computer and the Internet.


Price: 38,00 €


Henri La Fontaine, Prix Nobel de la Paix en 1913. Un belge épris de justice, Éditions Racine, 2012.

Emblematic figure of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Henri La Fontaine (1854-1943) is one of the first socialist senators in Belgium. Ardent defender of women's rights and democracy, bibliographer and founder, with Paul Otlet, of the Mundaneum, president of the International Peace Bureau, he is a key figure in Belgian and international pacifism. In this book, published by the Mundaneum in collaboration with the secular action center, several specialized authors examine different facets of the character, by replacing the actions he has undertaken in the context of the time.

This book accompanies a series of events organized by the foundation Mundaneum and Henri La Fontaine and sponsored by Stéphane Hessel to commemorate the centenary of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Price: 24,00 €


Mundaneum : Archives of Knowledge, Occasional Papers n°215, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, mai 2010.

This book results from the translation and adaptation of the book Les Archives de la connaissance (published in 2008) by the first biographer of Paul Otlet, Australian W. Boyd Rayward, honorary professor at the University of Illinois. He presents the history of the Mundaneum and the archives preserved there, heritage of the vast enterprise conducted by Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine.

Price: 10,00 €


Paul Otlet, fondateur du Mundaneum (1868-1944). Architecte du savoir, Artisan de paix, Éditions Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2010, 205 p.

Figurehead of documentation, Paul Otlet (1868-1944) still captivates today. This pioneer accomplished an original work in the areas of bibliography, photography, schemes, encyclopaedias or museum. This utopian, with his project of a ‘World City’, aimed to ‘build stones around ideas’.

In this book, specialists from different backgrounds approach these themes and other more confidential aspects that deserve our attention.

Price : 10,00 €


Le Mundaneum, les archives de la connaissance, Éditions Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2008, 97 p.

Published in 2008, 10 years after the Mundaneum opened its doors to the public in Mons, this book includes (almost) everything there is to know about the Mundaneum: a summary of knowledge made possible through an inventory, filing and publication task starting from the fabulous heritage of the two founders of the Mundaneum, Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine.

Out of print


Henri La Fontaine, Prijs Nobel de la paix : tracé[s] d'une vie, préface par Hervé Hasquin, Mons, Mundaneum, 2002, 118 p.

Out of print


Françoise Levie, L’homme qui voulait classer le monde - Paul Otlet et le Mundaneum, Éditions Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2006

Bien peu de gens connaissent aujourd’hui le nom de Paul Otlet (1868-1944), ainsi que les mots de Palais Mondial, de Mundaneum ou de Cité Mondiale. C’est comme si cette fascinante utopie avait disparu sans laisser de traces. L’aventure dura pourtant plus d’un demi-siècle, mobilisant des énergies considérables et suscitant le concours de personnalités prestigieuses.
Prolongement des rêves encyclopédiques des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, aux accents parfois grandioses et parfois dérisoires, l’aventure du Belge Paul Otlet touche à l’histoire du livre et des bibliothèques comme à celles des institutions internationales et du mouvement pacifiste. À travers le rôle joué par Hendrik Andersen et Le Corbusier, elle constitue aussi une page importante de l’urbanisme moderne.
Dans cette passionnante biographie, Françoise Levie retrace l’histoire d’une utopie qui aurait pu réussir, d’une grande intuition qui finit par se changer en obsession, d’un rêve de Paix universelle qui bascula dans le délire.

Price: 24,00 €


Cent ans de l'Office International de Bibliographie, 1895-1995 : les prémisses du Mundaneum, Mons, éditions du Mundaneum, 1995, 368 p.

Out of print

More info


Bettina Cerisier, Jean-François Fueg, Le Mundaneum. Un internet de papier, Éditions Mundaneum, Mons, 1998, 80 p.

Out of print


Jean-François Fueg, Aperçu des collections, collection des inventaires n°4, Editions Mundaneum, Mons, 1999, 36 p.

Out of print


Christelle Demoustiez, Tony Mascolo, Inventaire de la presse du Hainaut conservée dans le Musée International de la Presse, collection des inventaires n°1, première série, Mundaneum, Mons, 1998, 272p.

Price: 1,00 €


Marie Arnould, Inventaire de la presse belge d’avant 1830 conservée dans le Musée International de la Presse, collection des inventaires n°3, Mundaneum, Mons, 1999, 77 p.

Price: 1,00 €


Johan Ergo, Inventaire de la presse de Namur conservée dans le Musée International de la Presse, première série, collection des inventaires n°5, Mundaneum, Mons, 2000, 165 p.

Price: 1,00 €


Carine Denis, Inventaire de la presse du Luxembourg conservée dans le Musée International de la Presse, première série, collection des inventaires n°6, Mundaneum, Mons, 2000, 90 p.

Price: 1,00 €


Carine Gouvienne, Inventaire de la collection sur les expositions universelles conservée au Mundaneum, collection des inventaires n°7, Mundaneum, Mons, 2002, 161 p.

Price: 1,00 €


Stéphanie Manfroid, Inventaire du fonds féminisme conservé au Mundaneum, collection des inventaires n° 2, Mundaneum, Mons, 1998, 119 p.

Price: 1,00 €


Conference proceedings

Suzanne Lecocq, Jean-François Fueg, Le pacifisme est-il une valeur universelle, Actes du colloque des 25 & 26 novembre 1999, collection Etudes et Documents n°1, Mundaneum, Mons, 2001, 132 p.

Price: 1,00 €